DeVroomen has one of the largest stocks available in the industry. To offer you even more selection, we have partnered with some of the best perennial growers. To make our stock availability easy to search, we have broken it up from the warehouse it comes from. Each list is designated with a tag to say whether it is coming from one of our warehouses or a partner’s warehouse.
Don’t see your item on a list? At certain times of the season, DeVroomen is uniquely set up to fulfill orders directly from the fields of Holland. This means that our availability is only limited by your imagination (and current crops). Once we reach a point where the market in Holland gets too low, we will bring in stock to our warehouse and secure it for you. That remaining stock will then be listed on the list below.
Questions? Call or email us at any time, and we’d be happy to help walk through this process with you and help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Our customer service team and valued sales representatives are uniquely suited with the product knowledge to help guide you in finding the right choice for you. You can get in touch with them anytime on our contact page.