Hosta for Pot Culture

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Upon arrival

Open all cartons/crates immediately after arrival, as the plants need fresh air. Always check plants directly after arrival and take notes of possible problems. If there are any problems, be sure to contact your sales representative immediately. Plants should be planted as soon as possible after arrival. Growers should have greenhouse space, pots and planting medium ready. (Check bottom of confirmation for approximate arrival date). If plants cannot be planted immediately they should be stored in a cool location, preferably at a temperature around 35F. Also make sure that you keep the cartons out of the sun and from too much ventilation, plants dry out very quickly.

Do not store the plants in closed boxes, as this will create condensation and might cause the roots to start rotting. If you detect this problem, make sure you take these plants out of the boxes. You cannot store these roots any longer they have to be potted immediately.

General growing info

After planting a bare root Hosta in spring, it will take about 6-8 weeks before the plant is ready to be sold.


Hostas prefer a pH range of about 6.0 to 6.5. We suggest using any bark-based, well-drained, commercial soil-less mix.

Planting and Maintenance

We advise using a 2quart or gallon container. Use a pot that corresponds with the size of the roots. Giving roots the space they need will allow plants to reach their optimum size and quality. Roots may be trimmed to fit the pot if absolutely necessary. When transplanting, it is best to spread or fan out the roots since this tends to encourage new growth.

Plant the crown/eyes at or just below the soil level.

Light Conditions

The use of a 50% shade cloth is often recommended since excessive light may cause irregular bleached areas (sunscald) on the leaves of sensitive varieties. Shading will also help blue Hostas retain their attractive blue color later into the season.


Directly after planting the roots, water the plants thoroughly. Then do not water until the soil starts to become dry, or at the dry side of moist. Hostas in a dormant state do not use much water. They need to be forced to look for water. The plants need a stimulant to initiate root growth. By keeping the soil on the dry side, you will force the plant to seek water.

Allowing the plants to dry out slightly between waterings will improve root development. It is best to water early in the morning as with most perennials. It is very important not to over-feed or over-water Hostas.


Hostas will benefit from a light application of liquid fertilizer (20-10-20 with 50ppm nitrogen) in early spring. Since it is critical to keep all granular fertilizers far from plant crowns to avoid injury, liquid feed is safest. Alternatively, a top dressing of slow release fertilizer may be used. Roots will rot if too much fertilizer is applied. In the fall, only a light application, if any, is necessary. Apply very little nitrogen in the fall to allow plants to go dormant.


Grow Hostas at 50 degrees F. Always keep above freezing.

Slugs, mice and other animals

Applications of Orthene, Botanigard, or Thiodan are effective at preventing aphids. Applications of Avid, Talstar, or predatory mites are effective on some varieties of Hostas which are susceptible to spider mites. Slugs tend to seek out Hostas. Good greenhouse sanitation before potting is the best way to prevent a slug outbreak. Additionally, Mesurol can be used as a spray to knock down an existing slug population. Mice also enjoy a tasty meal of Hosta roots and crowns. Prevent rodent problems by using bait such as D-Con or traps.

Claims or Comments

If you run into anything that is not acceptable to you as a grower, we need to know. Please call your sales representative and explain in detail where you have experienced the problems. We will do anything we can to help you and make our organization better in the future. We do our best to ship viable, healthy plants, but we understand that problems do occur. If you feel there is a problem, please write within 10 working days of receipt of your order so we may render any possible assistance. In all cases, we need pictures of the individual plants, the complete shipment, roots etc. If your shipment has been damaged or shorted, note this on the delivery documents and file a claim with the carrier right away. Also, please notify us of any delays. All claims, damages, spoilage and shortages must be reported to us in a written note or letter stating the problem within 10 working days.

Claims received after this period or claims that are not supported by pictures will be respectfully declined.

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