Peony Alexander Fleming

The Peony Alexander Fleming is a cross between the Sarah Bernhardt and the Bunker Hill peonies. The Alexander Fleming blooms from May to June. If planted in nutritious, well-drained soil, this beauty comes back every year to show its stunning light-pink large flowers. Just like many other peonies, the Peony Alexander Fleming makes excellent cut flowers. Order bare-root peonies online at De Vroomen. We ship your order to the USA and Canada.

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Before planting the bare-root Peony Alexander Fleming, follow these steps:

  • Get rid of garden weeds before planting perennial plants
  • Plant the Peony Alexander Fleming in autumn, from September to October
  • Make sure you choose a sunny spot (partly shadow is accepted)
  • Dig a hole about 2 feet (60 cm) deep
  • Mix the soil from the planting hole with organic compost
  • Water regularly after planting


After planting peonies, the growth starts. Peonies take long to establish and grow before they start to bloom. If you plant peonies in a spot in the garden, don’t dig them out to plant in another spot. Peonies don’t like to be moved, so choose wisely when you decide to plant peonies. Peony Alexander Fleming naturalizes by tearing plants and root cuttings. Alexander Fleming makes excellent cut flowers, cutting the stems diagonally and placing them in a vase. Trouble with the flower to open? Add a little sugar to the water; this will stimulate the Peony to open.

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