Peony Coral Sunset

Who doesn’t love summer? With the Peony Coral Sunset, you establish the summer feeling in your garden or backyard with exceptional colours and scent. The Peony Coral Sunset has beautiful large orange-pink flowers and makes you think of a sunset. The magical colours of the Peony Coral Sunset bloom from May until June. Enjoy these lovely garden plants yourself by ordering bare-root peonies online at De Vroomen. We ship your order to the USA and Canada.

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The Peony Coral Sunset is beloved among all peonies. The lovely scent in combination with its outstanding colors makes this Peony one of the most wanted peonies. The compact growth of the flower head with its colorful petals blooms fantastic in every garden, backyard, or border. Peonies are slow, but strong growers. You have to wait several years to let the peony plant establish, but after the plant starts flowering, it’s definitely worth the wait.


  • Plant peonies in autumn, from September to October
  • The eyes must be planted 1.5 to 2” (3-4 cm) deep.
  • Add compost for better and faster growth o Grow best in deep, fertile, humus-rich soil that is well-drained
  • Plant on a sunny, or partial shade, sheltered position
  • May need support to grow straight, and not bend towards the ground
  • Average water need

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