The tulip blend Mixed Feelings is a distinctive combination of bright pink and purple tulips. These expressive tulips are all about change. Notice the beauty of each as the colors evolve from the stem upward. The dark to light purple gradient tulips make for an amazing contrast next to the bright tulips, in which the color of the petals merges from white to pink. These high-stemmed tulips are sure to stand out in any flower bed!
The Mixed Feelings tulips bloom mid-spring. Tulips need a cold period, before which they can bloom. Therefore, the cut flower bulbs should be planted in the fall, approximately eight weeks before the first frost. Plant the flower bulbs in a sunlit or half-shade spot in the yard. They should be planted approximately four inches in the ground and two inches apart from one another.
Although tulips don’t require much tending to, properly caring for them especially after they bloom helps them bloom multiple years in a row:
- The Mixed Feelings tulips bloom best in temperate climates with moderate rainfall. In areas with this climate, the plants do not have to be watered;
- If, during bloom, a drought occurs, however, the plants should be watered to meet their needs for moderate rainfall;
- To help the flowers remain vital for another spring, it is important to cut the flower heads. The cut flowers can be placed in a vase to flourish inside;
- It is important not to remove any foliage until it has completely withered in order to prevent robbing the flower of energy it needs to bloom next year