Daffodil (Narcissus) Split Corona (Butterfly) Show filters Hide filters Catalog Landscape (4) Clear selection Flower Color Orange (3) White (2) Yellow (3) Clear selection Shipping Time Frame Fall (4) Clear selection $ - Clear selection 1 - 4 of 4 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Choose display: Daffodil Congress | 25 pceLarge (4"wide) golden yellow majestic flowers with deep orange splitted cup.Currently not available $ 16.50WishlistMore info Orange, Yellow 14/16 25 Bulbs per Bag Daffodil Palmares | 25 pceCreamy-white petals and Pink and yellow colored corona segments.Currently not available $ 22.00WishlistMore info White, Orange, Yellow 14/16 25 Bulbs per Bag Daffodil Parisienne | 25 pceWhite flowers with orange corona.Currently not available $ 18.00WishlistMore info Orange, White 14/16 25 Bulbs per Bag Daffodil Sunny Side Up | 25 pceSoft creamy and pale yellow double split-corona narcissus, excellent for border and container.Currently not available $ 18.50WishlistMore info Yellow 14/16 25 Bulbs per Bag