Lilies Oriental Show filters Hide filters Shipping Time Frame Spring (13) Clear selection $ - Clear selection 1 - 13 of 13 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Choose display: Lilium Big Smile | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 67.80WishlistMore info Order now 16/18 Lilium Bonbini | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 63.30WishlistMore info Order now 16/18 Lilium Casa Blanca | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 59.10WishlistMore info Order now 16/18 Lilium Entertainer | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 59.70WishlistMore info Order now 16/18 Lilium Golden Stargazer | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 66.30WishlistMore info Order now 16/18 Lilium Hocus Pocus | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 67.20WishlistMore info Order now 16/18 Lilium Hotline | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 59.70WishlistMore info Order now 16/18 Lilium Red Flash | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 65.40WishlistMore info Order now 16/18 Lilium Salmon Party | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 67.20WishlistMore info Order now 16/18 Lilium Sixth Sense | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 60.90WishlistMore info Order now 16/18 Lilium Star Gazer | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 56.70WishlistMore info Order now 16/18 Lilium Tiger Edition | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 63.30WishlistMore info Order now 16/18 Lilium Viva La Vida | Capper 5 x 16Oriental Lilies are loved for their heavenly fragrance and enormus blooms. They are excellent cut flowers. They prefer full sun to part shade. Z 3-8 These pre-packaged bul...In stock $ 64.80WishlistMore info Order now 16/18