Dahlia Cactus Show filters Hide filters Catalog Wholesale Growers (2) Retail (13) Clear selection Shipping Time Frame Spring (15) Clear selection $ - Clear selection 1 - 15 of 15 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Choose display: Dahlia Alain Mimoun | 12 pceLarge flower heads with a quill-like form. Used for seasonal interest and as a cut flower. Z 7-10 These pre-packaged bulbs include detailed planting instructions, with a l...In stock $ 50.64 $ 4.22 each WishlistMore info Order now I Dahlia Black Cat | 12 pceLarge flower heads with a quill-like form. Used for seasonal interest and as a cut flower. Z 7-10 These pre-packaged bulbs include detailed planting instructions, with a l...In stock $ 50.64 $ 4.22 each WishlistMore info Order now I Dahlia Cambridge ® | 12 pceLarge flower heads with a quill-like form. Used for seasonal interest and as a cut flower. Z 7-10 These pre-packaged bulbs include detailed planting instructions, with a l...In stock $ 50.16 $ 4.18 each WishlistMore info Order now I Dahlia Color Spectacle | 12 pceLarge flower heads with a quill-like form. Used for seasonal interest and as a cut flower. Z 7-10 These pre-packaged bulbs include detailed planting instructions, with a l...In stock $ 44.88 $ 3.74 each WishlistMore info Order now I Dahlia Firebird | 12 pceLarge flower heads with a quill-like form. Used for seasonal interest and as a cut flower. Z 7-10 These pre-packaged bulbs include detailed planting instructions, with a l...In stock $ 46.32 $ 3.86 each WishlistMore info Order now I Dahlia Hollyhill Spider Woman | 12 pceLarge flower heads with a quill-like form. Used for seasonal interest and as a cut flower. Z 7-10 These pre-packaged bulbs include detailed planting instructions, with a l...In stock $ 50.64 $ 4.22 each WishlistMore info Order now I Dahlia My Love | 12 pceLarge flower heads with a quill-like form. Used for seasonal interest and as a cut flower. Z 7-10 These pre-packaged bulbs include detailed planting instructions, with a l...In stock $ 45.36 $ 3.78 each WishlistMore info Order now I Dahlia Orange Turmoil | 12 pceLarge flower heads with a quill-like form. Used for seasonal interest and as a cut flower. Z 7-10 These pre-packaged bulbs include detailed planting instructions, with a l...In stock $ 48.96 $ 4.08 each WishlistMore info Order now I Dahlia Playa Blanca | 15 pcePure white, semi-cactus type of flower. Floriferous variety, super container plant.Currently not available starting from $ 38.40 $ 2.56 each WishlistMore info I 15 Dahlia Playa Blanca | 75 pcePure white, semi-cactus type of flower. Floriferous variety, super container plant.Currently not available starting from $ 156.00 $ 2.08 each WishlistMore info I 75 Dahlia Preference | 12 pceDahlia PreferenceIn stock $ 49.44 $ 4.12 each WishlistMore info Order now I Dahlia Purple Gem | 12 pceLarge flower heads with a quill-like form. Used for seasonal interest and as a cut flower. Z 7-10 These pre-packaged bulbs include detailed planting instructions, with a l...In stock $ 45.36 $ 3.78 each WishlistMore info Order now I Dahlia Romantique | 12 pceDahlia RomantiqueIn stock $ 49.44 $ 4.12 each WishlistMore info Order now I Dahlia Tahiti Sunrise | 12 pceLarge flower heads with a quill-like form. Used for seasonal interest and as a cut flower. Z 7-10 These pre-packaged bulbs include detailed planting instructions, with a l...In stock $ 50.64 $ 4.22 each WishlistMore info Order now I Dahlia Witteman's Best | 12 pceLarge flower heads with a quill-like form. Used for seasonal interest and as a cut flower. Z 7-10 These pre-packaged bulbs include detailed planting instructions, with a l...In stock $ 47.52 $ 3.96 each WishlistMore info Order now I